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Take Your Investment to the Next Level with Bitbose

Currency as we know it is evolving and cryptocurrencies are changing the way we trade and invest. BOSE Token is the 3rd generation & smartest cryptocurrency based upon blockchain technology that has numerous benefits. Combined with BitBose Platform, the possibilities are endless.

With BitBose’s Portfolio Funds Platform, you can invest both crypto currencies and fiat currencies & earn daily profits through the most advanced liquidity pool powered by artificial intelligence & machine learning.

This Program run by a Hybrid Intelligent Crypto Trading Bot name as “SPIKE”. “SPIKE” Infrastructure is developed with various elements, The Main Key feature is a Collective Intelligence Program which fetches all crypto media news, trends & even important leads from in-house team of professional analysts & using combine qualitative & quantitative methods it decides the reliability score of each sources & based upon proprietary strategies, it refines trading algorithms which helps SPIKE taking smarter decisions & execute trade on exchanges & hold strong positions. With each subsequent trade, SPIKE gets smarter & smarter as it optimizes its whole infrastructure with artificial intelligence & machine learning.

You can also be rewarded with more BOSE Tokens with BITBOSE’s Mining program. BitBose, having their own fast & reliable crypto exchange, is tailored to work along with both Fiat & Crypto currencies.

The future is here with BitBose.

While the world is quickly adopting crypto currencies, there are still situations when you need an urgent fiat currency without losing your current crypto holdings. The Crypto Loans System allows users to just hold onto their various current cryptocurrencies & receive loans in fiat currencies with the lowest rate of interest. BitBose plans to offer its own Crypto Currencies Payment Solution Gateway for commerce users that gives the opportunity to send payments with a variety of crypto currencies & for the merchants to be paid in fiat currency. So, this whole BitBose platform can be thought of as a third generation crypto bank, without a fraudulent financial mechanism, slow processing, high fees or lack of flexibility that come from brick & mortar banks.

Are you ready for the future economy? Don’t hesitate any longer, Join and Invest in Bitbose .

Invest today and contribute to the future of the banking system

                                           BOSE TOKEN IMPORTANT FEATURES

BitBose is the solution to all the problems that we have with banks today.

Its key features are:

1. A revolutionary cryptocurrency exchange — that is connected to several decentralized exchanges all over the globe to find and give you the best buy/sell price for your cryptos.

2. A lending platform — take out loans against your cryptocurrencies at the lowest interest rates in the world. Loan amount sanctioned to small borrowers does not require any collateral.

3. An AI-ML bot — Spike, an AI-ML syndicated bot performs hundreds of trade per minute and earns profits for the holders of BOSE tokens.

4. Mine-able tokens — BOSE token will be allowed to be mined by dedicated miners to grab a share of the block reward

5. Minimal Human Management — Activities from loan sanctioning to algo-trading will be performed by the AI-ML bot. The human element will be limited to providing some data points to the bots. These data points will be provided by professional traders and fund managers who have a combined experience of over 100 years.

All of this goodness, rolled into a single platform.

Bitbose is more feature-rich than any traditional bank. With BitBose, your money is truly yours, no intermediaries, no hassles.

BitBose is Banking 3.0. Invest Today.

For any other queries, join Bitbose telegram group

For more details contact @ or visit

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Founder of C# Corner Mahesh Chand joins team BitBose as International Blockchain Advisor

Mahesh is the founder of C# Corner and CEO of Mindcracker Inc. Mahesh is also a Microsoft Regional Director and Microsoft MVP, author, speaker Blockchain Consultant .

Bitbose, the #1 fastest and smartest growing Blockchain ICO welcomed Blockchain strategist and advisor Mahesh Chand as an eminent addition to their board of advisors. A well known name in the crypto community, Mr. Mahesh brings plethora of experience and knowledge to the Bitbose panel of Advisors spanning over various fin-tech, technology, Blockchain and cryptocurrency sectors.

Mahesh is a Microsoft Regional Director and Microsoft MVP, author, speaker, CEO at Mincracker Inc and has founded the very famous C# Corner in 1999. C# corner provides an open platform for the developers to learn new technology, latest happenings, solving problems over the technologies.

Chand has been conferred with the prestigious Microsoft MVP Award for consecutive nine years for his phenomenal contributions and achievements in the developer community. Mahesh has been blessed with extraordinary writing skills and has authored several books in C#, ADO .NET etc.

Sharing his insights over joining the BitBose board of Advisors, Mr. Chand “It’s a great honor to join the international team of advisors for BitBose, one of the fastest and smartest Blockchain ICO poised to provide a reengineered solution for financial disruptions in the society.” Further he added that, ”It’s a moment of great pride that I will be sharing my experience and knowledge in helping Bitbose build their next generation digital platform and boost their business strategy including architecture, migration, and innovation.

This International Speaker and startup advisor will be helping Bitbose to build and promote their product strategy, mentoring and motivating the development team. Mahesh Chand will be handling very decisive responsibilities in Bitbose. As an avid philanthropist he holds a deep love for Philosophy, Cognitive Studies, Community, Public Speaking, Writing, Basketball, and Philadelphia Eagles.

Bitbose is honored and grateful to have Mahesh Chand and his services on board. With Mahesh’s joining on Board as Blockchain ICO advisor, Team Bitbose feels elated and promises their investors to double the momentum for the upcoming biggest public ICO next month.

You can learn more about Mahesh Chand by following him on LinkedIn.

For more details contact @ or visit

Originally published at

#crypto, #ico, #ico-expert, #senior-ico-expert

How Do Cryptocurrency Mining Pools Work

Mining Program

Cryptocurrency has been trending and still is the hottest topic for discussion over the internet forums, communities and social media. There’s no surprise that investing in cryptocurrency has unveiled a new way of reaping out profits (with a ginormous value) just by sitting at home. With every new currency popping over internet each day, there unfolds a new mining operation with promising returns, unique dividend models and easy governance. As an avid follower of cryptocurrency, you can easily get into the world of cryptocurrency mining by either using your own solo mining devices or by joining a crypto pool where all the devices/resources from solo miners are clubbed together so as to get speedier, efficient and effective results.

We all have read the term “Mining” in our VII class Science books. Mining is done to extract the metals most commonly by digging out earth. And the company or individual, who digs out the metal, becomes the owner. In the same way, Cryptocurrency is discovered using computational power of the computer programs. Most of the virtual currencies have been mined while some are left. Out of 21 million Bitcoins, 80% have already been mined and just 20% are remaining. Mining is the essence of cryptocurrency for being decentralized and following a transparent approach towards p2p transactions. Whenever there happens any transaction, the crypto miners are given a task to solve and verify that activity. Whosoever completes the task is rewarded with a share and is responsible for adding a new block into the Blockchain and updating the ledger.

Mining Pool: Explained in Simple terms

Cryptocurrency mining pools are formed when a number of miners come together for a sole purpose of mining a cryptocurrency. A liquidity Pool is necessary because as the number of crypto coins are decreasing which are making the mining process further more difficult. So, very heavy computational power is required to mine out the coins. As solo miners cannot afford to have expensive mining machines so, they club together their computational power.

How cryptocurrency mining pools work?

Essentially mining pools work on certain algorithms which are designed to check the authenticity and validity of the transactions made. These simple looking mathematical problems are way beyond the complexity they look. They actually require very High computational power to solve them. People are keen on investing into crypto mining activity due to its volatile profits and nature of the digital currency. When people combine the mining power, the rewards are also split accordingly.

Well, sharing may not seem to be lucrative to you, but you don’t have any choice as having a single rig isn’t capable of solving even a tiniest bit of that transaction. Rather, splitting will split the risk as well as the energy consumption. So, it’s a win-win situation for you as if anyone from your pool cracks the transaction, you are rewarded too!!


Advantages of investing in a multi-pool Mining

Single mining pools are the ones which are mining only a single cryptocurrency and multi-pools will be mining multiple ones. Multi-pools give user a choice to mine for a cryptocurrency for his choice and can later switch depending upon the reward points offered. The reward points depend upon the mining difficulty, the exchange rate between different coins, the hash rate and the block generation time. The crypto-analysts recommend the new investors to go for multi-pools as it gives them equal opportunity to earn high with the lowered risks.

Pool Rewards

Rewards vary from currency to currency. The factors stated in the last paragraph decide the reward structures, but the miners are rewarded once the block is successfully added to the Blockchain. Here are some reward structures which are followed by most of the mining pools.

Pay-per-share (PPS): PPS is the most common reward structure followed by the mining pools. Here instant payout is rewarded as per the contributed share of puzzle solved. The user can instantly withdraw his/her earnings. The payout is offered from the pool’s existing balance.

Full-pay-per-share (FPPS): It is similar to the PPS but the difference is that the transaction fee is also added to the block reward over a time and thereafter distributed to the miners.

Proportional (PROP): After the end of mining round, the miner is rewarded a share which is proportional to the number of shares he has in the pool w.r.t. the pool’s total shares.

Shared Maximum Pay Per Share (SMPPS): The reward give out is similar to PPS but its limits the payout to a maximum number which the pool has earned.

Equalized Shared Maximum Pay Per Share (ESMPPS): Here all the miners receive equal share following the SMPPS rule. Well, there are more to the list such as recent shared maximum pay per share, Capped pay per share, Bitcoin pooled Mining etc.. Before joining any pool have a look at the payout structure, mining pool and any fees charged? A genuine pool will charge 1% to 3% of fees. If they are offering for free, there may be a catch!!!

We at Bitbose deeply understand the concerns and insecurities prevailing in an investor’s mind. So, team Bitbose came up with an extremely novel idea of developing a smartest mining pool and trading platform ever anyone has developed.

BitBose Platform lets you mine BOSE Token and generate a stable inflow of Bose Tokens in return. Though this technique is more for the advanced user, BitBose software combined with state of the art hardware is capable of handling extreme loads and frequent transactions. Bitbose’s unique Investments Solutions are designed to maintain enough liquidity organically by exchanging multiple fiat & crypto currencies which give birth to a modern Hybrid Intelligent Trading Exchange & Payment Solutions at a glance.


The Bottom Line

Investing in mining pools have their own advantages such as offering more stable income, lower energy costs and generating a higher income.

Crypto mining is becoming increasingly popular by high-speed devices but getting profits from individual mining machines is nearly impossible. Rather than opting for solo mining pools, opt for a multi-pool mining which will allow you to earn high profits and can even make you a MILLIONAIRE!!!.

Read Bitbose Whitepaper .

Read Medium Blog Top five points to focus while investing in crypto currencies .

For more details contact @ or visit

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