Another Milestone Achieved: Attended the WBC Summit, Moscow

Bitbose is head-on inventing new ways to grow business by channelizing the underlying opportunities of networking.

We are glad to inform that Team Bitbose actively attended and participated in the World Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Summit , Or WBC Summit in Moscow, Russia on May 19,2018. The complete journey has equally been exciting and rewarding.

                                           WBC Summit, Moscow

WBC Summit, designed to promote the crypto-economy, witnessed 200+ incredible speakers over more than 12 sections. It was a great opportunity to meet Blockchain enthusiasts and investors from all over the world and share the views over upcoming Blockchain projects, future of crypto-industry and impact that cryptocurrencies are making over the industries.

The conversations/ discussions in WBCSummit were really inspiring. We really appreciate the efforts of the organizers of WBC Summit i.e. International Decentralized Association of Cryptocurrency and Blockchains, for providing an incredible platform for fruitful discussions, promotions and networking.

Team BitBose , would like to thank every single person who expressed their interest and faith in bitbose. We promise to deliver the same momentum consistently.

In the near future Bitbose team will attend a list of events around the world! Follow the news about our project’s progress. Let’s meet during our next event!

Your support is very important to us!

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How to Evaluate an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Investment

A user friendly Guide on evaluating Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) investments.

The love for the cryptocurrencies is on cloud nine and the trend is expected to rise exponentially this year as well. The bitcoin evangelists continue to influence people to buy bitcoins and the results are evident. The popular trading platform “coinbase” crashed last year as it was unable to handle the sheer volume of bitcoin transactions when the value rose to $19,000/bitcoin.

There is no second opinion that crypto assets are worth investing. If you wanna make handsome money as the early bitcoin adopters did, you need to think BEYOND Bitcoin. There are hundreds of ICO opportunities floating over the internet each backed with a unique idea and asking for crowdfund for the conceptualization of their dream. You never know which investment may turn out to be a tenbagger and make you a millionaire.

But, everything which seems “too good to go” certainly has some flaws hidden within it. Figures of last year say that 46% of the ICOs launched in 2017 were scams or run away grabbing all your hard-earned money. You need to make an educated and well informed decision while investing over Blockchain projects.

You may be fascinated to buy a token which is costing less than a dollar or may be a cent. Things are tempting but before investing make sure that the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is satisfying all the conditions listed below or scores atleast 8/10.

But before that understand the ICO process!!!

When a company pitches a revolutionary idea but is short on funds for its completion, it raises an ICO for crowd funding. In an ICO, tokens or the coins are created and destroyed using a Blockchain platform such as Ethereum. The company offers these coins to the investors/ pubic for purchase by buying them for fiat currencies or virtual currencies like BTC, ETH etc.

The process followed is:

  1. Founders announce the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) dates and the Idea of the project.
  2. ICO may include Pre-Sales which is also known as pre-ICO.
  3. A demo or alpha version is launched.
  4. Hype is built on social media platforms and crypto-communities as well.
  5. People buy tokens and the value of tokens post ICO is dependent on the performance of the company.

The complete process is to make people aware of the ICO or token sale process and earn recognition worldwide for maximum participation.

So, How to decide on investing in an ICO? How will you know that company will fulfill the promises and perform better…Have a look…

1. Evaluate the Company

Understand who actually are driving the company. What is their idea and motivational force behind their venturing into Blockchain game? 90% of the companies are startups but hold a substantial backing of veterans and renowned entrepreneurs & advisors.

So, the first step is to verify the companies’ team portfolio. Explore online or social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn and get to know the technical and the business experts of the company. Affirm that the team strikes a good balance between the business trends and the technical advancements.

In case, the company is an established one, then verifying its credibility and track record may help you take an informed decision. A good company will always share the name of their team members either on website or on whitepaper or both.

2. Does the idea really resonate with Blockchain?

Carefully examine the idea and ask yourself does the company actually need a Blockchain solution? To be very clear, Blockchain development is an intimidating and expensive task. And poor coding can seriously crash the project or can leave many security loopholes. The reason for investing into Blockchain must be fairly justified. In case an alternate cheaper solution is available, then why the company is backing over Blockchain?

3. Market Scenario and Competitors

Analyze the whitepaper properly. Analyze the target audience as well as target market. Is the Blockchain project really offering innovative and useful to the humanity? The idea should be new and feasible. The whitepaper should have a well defined roadmap with vivid milestones.

There are many markets such as cyber security, healthcare, financial services etc, in which a lot of progress has already been made. If your company’s prospects are in these domains, look out what “new” they are offering. The project shouldn’t be favoring obsolete technologies and should have a fair chance to stand against the competitors.

4. Utilization of Funds

While analyzing the funding structure, have a deeper look regarding any previous investments and investors. Make sure that company isn’t totally dependent on the token Sale for its development. It should perfectly work even in case the company isn’t able reach the hard cap.

Take a deeper look into the investments and the token distribution. Make sure that substantial share has been allocated to development works and lesser to bounties & founders.

It’s always to invest in capped ICOs. As investing in an open cap ICO may not fetch you good returns. And the most pertinent thing is that ‘Are you happy with the fund distribution?’. If yes, move ahead with the next factor.

5. Communicating with crypto community

A good website will clearly display the important key points from the whitepaper over the website. The company should also be following a communication channel such as Medium or Twitter to share the updates related to the project with the people.

Apart from this, there are various crypto discussion forums such as Bitcointalkcryptocomparecyberfundicobenchicocreed etc. Have a look at the comments there or what experts are talking about the ICO? If you are not able to find your ICOin any of the top websites, I am afraid. it’s a thing to worry!!!

When to reject at first go?

Well, the first step of rejection is when the company doesn’t have a whitepaper. The second follows closely. If the company is having a whitepaper, do read it properly and get a feel of the idea. The whitepaper should have properly defined roadmap, names of founders/advisors. If not, switch to another.

The third level comes with prototype. If the company doesn’t has a prototype or a demo version to show, that means they aren’t serious regarding the product. They should certainly share their proof of concept. In case the project is public, explore the number of commits made in the github repository.

Some takeaways!!

Cryptocurrency investments are something which are irrecoverable in case of scam, fraud or theft. So, you need to be extra careful before making investments. Watch out for these factors as well.

  • Don’t buy from unlicensed sellers
  • Keep away from unsolicited deals or offers
  • No one is perfect, so always keep your mind and eyes open when an ICO portrays the ideal one or “too good to be true” scenario.
  • Don’t invest in Uncapped or untimed ICOs.

Final Words

The cryptoWorld is undeniably exciting, thrilling and profitable but there is a constant “fear of missing out” at every stage. Choose your bets wisely. Don’t be afraid of investing in cryptosphere, it’s just that… Be cautious, aware and conscious of the risks involved regarding the investments in any ICO opportunity.

Want to know why people are interested in investing in cryptocurrencies despite of so many risks involved? Check out Bitbose’s blog post here. Bitbose is the world’s first ever smartest crypto currency exchange which offers incredible opportunities for its investors in form of crypto smart portfolio management, fastest p2p transactions, ingenious fiat & smart crypto loans and emerging out be the first crypto smart bank in future.

Stay tuned on for latest updates on Bitbose.

Originally published at on May 17, 2018.

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Bitbose signs up ICO expert Mark Kreimerman as technical advisor

Bitbose has come up as the most advanced crypto exchange that presents an absolute platform for complete crypto banking solution. The platform assures fairest and lowest exchange rate.
Senior ICO expert Mark Kreimerman has recently joined latest AI-powered crypto platform Bitbose as Senior Technical Advisor.

Bitbose represents the smartest & most transparent cryptocurrency and the most advanced crypto exchange in the current digital currency industry. Developed on Ethereum blockchain, the company also stands out with the guarantee of faster funds transfer as well as lowest and fairest exchange rates.
“What made me join Bitbose is its futuristic outlook towards ensuring a much secured, stronger and more credible approach towards e-investments. Bitbose extends a one-stop platform for all your investments that bridges the gap between the different inconsistencies plaguing the present unstable financial market. Put simply, Bitbose is the next big thing in the crypto market and I am really excited to be a part of it”, stated Mr. Kreimerman while asked to speak a few words about his recent joining in Bitbose.
Part of the uniqueness of Bitbose lays in its versatile usability. This 100% decentralized cryptocurrency can be used for a number of things other than just trading or purchase of services and goods.
“One of the best parts of Bitbose is that you can use it in diverse ways, including mining, staking, portfolio management, crypto & fiat loans and of course trading. In each case, you will experience powerful returns over time.”
Bitbose is much more that regular crypto wallet or bank crypto card. In fact, Bitbose extends a cutting-edge single unified platform that can assure comprehensive crypto banking solution, right from investment platforms to full-fledged payment solutions for businesses based on blockchain technologies.
Mr. Kreimerman is a senior blockchain advisorICO expertCTO , technical expert and is backed by nearly 20 years of experience in high level management. A name of big repute in the current crypto and business world, he comes with a robust technical & business leadership record in various areas including blockchain, R&D management, system architecting
For more information, please visit .

Originally published at on May 15, 2018.

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10 Reasons Why 2018 is the Best Time for You to Invest in Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative.—Nassim Taleb

Cryptocurrencies have made people millionaires!! They have made the non-investors regret that “why hadn’t I brought bitcoin when it was just $0.5?” Just look at the Google searches when it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies which have grown enormously in a couple of years. Investing just 5K USD in a successful ICO can get returns by making you a multi-millionaire. So, definitely investing in cryptocurrencies is worth the risk.

BUT, Is investing in Blockchains restricts itself only for making profits and money? Then you may be wrong…Blockchains have potential to take our lifestyle to a newer dimension. Just explore the upcoming ICO listings; each and every ICO brings with itself a new and improved digital transformation to enhance our lives.

It’s not only that Blockchains are committed only to Fintech but it has diversified education, banking, healthcare, private networks, communication and a lot more domains. So, if you are an avid technologist, entrepreneur, digital enthusiast or just a common man, Blockchains have everything for everyone. Have look at some of the reasons why 2018 is the best time to invest in cryptocurrencies.

10 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time for You to Invest in Cryptocurrencies


Reasons Why 2018 is the Best Time for You to Invest in Cryptocurrencies?

Returns Beyond imaginations

Do you know what drive people crazy about cryptocurrencies? Yes!! it’s the returns they offer over time. Say, you have purchased a bitcoin in 2010, the value has grown more than 100 folds the present day.  On the contrary, if you have purchased stocks from a stock exchange, they would have registered a miniature growth may be of 10%. So, the difference is clear… The more you invest early, the higher are the returns.

A word of caution: Before making any cryptocurrency investment, explore the internet for which cryptocurrency to buy. The crypto industry is highly volatile and also in its embryonic stage. So, due diligence is appreciated.

Increased Acceptance worldwide

In most of the jurisdictions, the government is framing protocols regarding the governance of cryptocurrencies. This clearly indicates the acceptance of cryptocurrencies globally. It’s the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies and their volatility which is causing a hike in their demand.

Reward per block is decreasing, grab NOW

Do you know, after addition of a specified number of blocks, the reward value per block is reduced. Say, after addition of approx 210k blocks to bitcoin chain, the number of reward bitcoins reduces to half.   In 2009, 50 bitcoins were rewarded for a successful addition of block, it reduced to 25/block in 2012 and will now be 12.5/block in future.

Huge Growth Potential

As the technology is fairly new and gaining momentum, many people find the crypto world, intimidating. Just because they get confused with the jargon and technicalities involved. Cryptocurrencies are fully loaded with opportunities and potential, the early you board this train, the better will be your gains as well as experience.

Secure cryptographic Algorithms

The backbone of Cryptocurrencies is the Blockchain platform which is well secured with highly advanced cryptographic algorithms. These algorithms are impossible to breach but with a constraint that any transaction made is 100% irreversible.

Transactions in a blink of the eye

Blockchains rule out the need for third parties which has ultimately turned the complete transaction process faster, cheaper and efficient. Now the money can be transferred to any part of the globe at fraction of the second and is directly between sender and the receiver.

Now, No government interference. No extra charges from the bank!!! Send money to anyone across the international boundaries at just the blink of your eye.

Empowers the masses

With no central authority governing, it empowers the masses to take the full control of their money in their hands itself. You can freely transfer money as per your wish to anyone without paying that hefty money to intimidators as transaction fees and that too 24/7. You make your own rules. You are your own controlling officer!!!

Become the veterans of this revolutionary change

We know cryptocurrencies are expanding and so are the benefits associated with them. So, why not be a part of such a change, which is destined to grow enormously. You’ll feel proud being associated with such a revolutionary change from the beginning, somewhere down the lane in future.

Zero taxation charges

This is indeed the best part. Investing in cryptocurrencies is free from taxation in all jurisdictions. The reason is that there isn’t any involvement of third parties or government institutions for any cryptocurrency investment.

Lower inflation risk

A bad government policy? The currency of that nation suffers. Cryptocurrencies are immune to inflation as they are not a part of nation’s economy and moreover their number is fixed. The value of cryptocurrencies is independent of the trends of the global economy and their value stays the same even in the worst of circumstances.


Cryptocurrencies are blossoming and are the real game changers affecting our lives for the better. They aim to empower the masses and making the organizational processes more transparent and of course delivering high returns to the investors.

Interested in investing in cryptocurrencies? Bitbose offers the right platform to begin. Invest NOW!!!

Originally published at on May 15, 2018.

#bitbose, #crypto, #cryptocurrencies, #idacb

Bitbose Team going to attend WBCSummit 19–20 May in Moscow

We are proud to announce that the Bitbose team will attend WBCSummit 19–20 May in Moscow, the largest worldwide blockchain and cryptocurrency event!


More than 100 countries will take part in it. #wbcsummit #idacb’.

Read More :


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